As business partners of creators specialized in a wide range of content, our primary priority is to ensure the best and safest experience possible for members and students on our platform. As such, we have identified certain content that should not be provided on XRocket LLC (prohibited content).
Our content guidelines aim to provide additional information and are not binding. This means that:
- The type of content listed, as well as the examples provided, are not exhaustive.
- Content not listed in the content guidelines should not necessarily be interpreted as acceptable (even if it likely is).
- Reporting prohibited content does not guarantee that the content, lecture, class, or school will be removed.
- If you find content that you believe violates our content guidelines, please report it to [email protected]. Be sure to include the URL where you found the prohibited content in your email.
Illegal Content
It may seem redundant, but illegal content is not allowed on the platform, whether the content itself is illegal or a vehicle to break a law.
Prohibited Content
At XRocket LLC, we strongly believe in and support freedom of expression. We also believe that XRocket LLC should be safe and inclusive and reflect our values as a company. This means that there are topics and content that we do not support, beyond those that are illegal or that violate our obligations to our service providers.
The topics and content listed below are not allowed on the platform.
Creators who offer prohibited content risk having their payments blocked, the school removed, or the account terminated with or without notice. XRocket LLC does not pre-approve any topic or content, including those not explicitly listed below.
Consent and Permission
At XRocket LLC, we believe no means no. Asking for permission is not only polite, it is also the right thing to do. In some situations, consent is the line between legal and illegal.
At XRocket LLC, creators often submit media content such as video, audio, photos, etc. If this is the case for your school, remember that you need permission to feature someone in your images or recordings.
Ensuring that you have all the intellectual property and publicity rights is a prerequisite for publishing content on the XRocket LLC platform (see Protecting the personal information and intellectual property of your users and the terms that apply to your data).
This includes avoiding the use of materials where individuals are not clearly aware that they are being recorded for any reason (e.g., hidden recording device, intoxication, etc.).
It is prohibited to teach content or encourage others to avoid, force, or ignore someone's consent. Likewise, content captured without the subject's consent or permission is prohibited.
- Hidden camera videos where the subject did not know they were being recorded and did not give permission to use the material.
- Coercion teaching material (forcing an individual to give consent).
Content for Children
XRocket LLC is not for children under 13 years of age.
Therefore, you cannot offer courses directed at children under 13 years old or where you know or should know that children under 13 years old will use the platform, even with written parental consent.
- Content directed specifically at children.
- Content intended to be understood and consumed by children.
Misleading Content
We expect Creators to be honest and transparent with their students and fully deliver what they promise.
Content that relies on deception to enroll students, regardless of the reason, is prohibited.
- Claiming that the course will be taught by a celebrity when it will not.
- Offering official certification where there will be none.
At XRocket LLC, we believe that sharing what you know is powerful, and as a result, content needs to be shared responsibly. As a Creator, you have the duty to present your knowledge and opinions honestly and transparently. Blurring the lines between fact and opinion has repercussions beyond your school.
Content that is demonstrably false and shared with the intent to deceive, manipulate, or mislead is prohibited on the platform. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards practices that may be harmful to the public.
- Conspiracy theories.
- Denial of documented events.
- Dissemination of refuted medical advice.
Hate and Discrimination
Simply put: be a good human being. Respect for all people, regardless of their ideas, beliefs, identity, and preferences, is a core value of XRocket LLC. We value inclusion; our platform is made for everyone to share their knowledge with everyone.
We cannot stress enough that hate and discrimination have no place at XRocket LLC. Hateful or discriminatory content includes any content that:
- Asserts the inferiority of an individual or group of individuals due to any trait or characteristic (not limited to protected groups).
- Promotes, celebrates, or calls for the use of psychological or physical violence against an individual or group of individuals.
- Glorifies and/or celebrates an individual or group that engages in hateful or discriminatory practices.
- Misogyny.
- Racism.
- Celebration of violence.
Harmful and Dangerous
At XRocket LLC, we are committed to keeping our creators and students safe. XRocket LLC does not allow content that promotes, celebrates, or encourages harmful or dangerous behaviors or actions that could harm someone's physical or mental health.
In short, do not put your students or yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.
- Tutorial on how to build firearms, ammunition, or explosives.
- Glorification of self-harm.
- Harmful medical advice.
- Recommendation to avoid seeking professional medical advice.
XRocket LLC is not designed to be used for pornography. Several other platforms cater to this specific purpose; we do not.
Sexually explicit material intended primarily to sexually excite the user is prohibited on the platform. What we mean by "sexually explicit content" is a clear depiction of sexual intercourse, foreplay, or any other sexual activity.
Examples of prohibited content:
- Videos intended primarily to sexually excite the viewer.
- Hentai.
Examples of acceptable content:
- Material about sexual education.
Pyramid Schemes (also known as Ponzi schemes)
A pyramid scheme is a business structured to generate income primarily or exclusively through the acquisition of investors, members, or distributors. Pyramid schemes are fraudulent, illegal, and undesirable on the platform – period.
Content that facilitates, helps recruit members for, or promotes pyramid schemes is prohibited on the platform.
Regulated and Illegal Products
XRocket LLC aims to share your knowledge, not to be used as a payment platform for distributing regulated or illegal products.
Content that offers or sells regulated products in any state is prohibited. By regulated product, we mean any item that can only be purchased under certain conditions (including but not limited to medical conditions, age, etc.).
- Drugs.
- Weapons.
- Alcohol.
- Currencies (e.g., cryptocurrency).
Outrageous and Unrealistic Promises
We believe that setting clear and realistic expectations is not only good ethics but also good business. No one likes clickbait or misleading advertising.
Content based on outrageous claims – monetary or otherwise – is prohibited. This means you cannot lure students into enrolling in your classes by promising a result that you will not be able to consistently deliver.
- Miracle cures.
- Claims that a course will make students rich overnight.
We believe that violence and its corollaries have no place on XRocket LLC.
Content that teaches, promotes, glorifies, celebrates, or describes the use of violence as an acceptable end in itself is prohibited. This includes the use of weapons, conventional or improvised.
At XRocket LLC, we recognize that weapons can be used safely and responsibly and that knowledge about them is valuable to many communities.
Content that shares practices with weapons that may have a harmful effect, intentional or not, on public or personal safety is prohibited on the platform.
Due to the specific safety concerns of using weapons, we have a zero-tolerance policy if there is any indication that the content might lead to any form of violence.
Office: 18216 Oliver Twist Way, Winter Gardern, Florida
Call 321 989 8654
Email: [email protected]